George A. Sprecace M.D., J.D., F.A.C.P. and Allergy Associates of New London, P.C.
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RAPID RESPONSE (Archives)...Daily Commentary on News of the Day
This is a new section.  It will offer fresh, quick reactions by myself to news and events of the day, day by day, in this rapid-fire world of ours.  Of course, as in military campaigns, a rapid response in one direction may occasionally have to be followed by a "strategic withdrawal" in another direction.  Charge that to "the fog of war", and to the necessary flexibility any mental or military campaign must maintain to be effective.  But the mission will always be the same: common sense, based upon facts and "real politick", supported by a visceral sense of Justice and a commitment to be pro-active.  That's all I promise.

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THURSDAY trough  MONDAY, October 27 through 31, 2005


THURSDAY and  FRIDAY, October 27 and 28, 2005


SATURDAY through WEDNESDAY, October 21 through 26, 2005

Lots to catch up staccato fashion.


THURSDAY and FRIDAY, October 19 and 20, 2005


MONDAY through WEDNESDAY, October 17 through 18, 2005

There's a memorable line in the movie "A Fish Called Wanda" wherein Kevin Klein"s girlfriend fires at him a description of him which he both detests and well deserves:  "STUPIDO.  STUPIDO.  STUPIDO!"   In fact, after he objects, she says it again: "STUPIDO.  STUPIDO.  STUPIDO!"  And that's my description of this New London City Council, particularly following its action, taken at yesterday's Council meeting, "firing" the action taken against the direct advice of its own city attorney, against the expressed wishes of Governor Rell, and against the most basic common sense.  These are good people individually.  But, as a group, they comprise the worst New London City Council that I have observed since my family's arrival here in 1963...and that's saying something.  Citizens: Arise; Think; Vote!   And finally, choose...don't settle for the likes of this gang.


SATURDAY and SUNDAY, October 15 and 16, 2005


FRIDAY, October 14, 2005


WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, October 12 and 13, 2005


TUESDAY, October 11, 2005

In a working democracy, Lord save us from the purists.  Or, as someone already expressed it many years ago: "Any who likes sausage or democracy should not watch either being made."  So it is with President Bush trying to provide leadership for a divided nation in very troubled times.  Regarding the issue of U.S. Supreme Court nominees in general and of Harriet Miers in particular, Conservatives are right regarding the non-negotiable issue of the abomination of abortion.  But they are wrong to believe and assert that they can impose their views on the nation.  With the comparable issue of Slavery, that was tried with a tragic Civil War...and it still didn't succeed for another 100 years.  However onerous, slow and steady is the only way - and that is succeeding.  So stop inflicting wounds on our side.  Then, regarding the coming vote on the Iraq constitution,  a similar thing has happened that may have killed this vital step aborning.  Pressured by an ever idealistic and/or duplicitous United Nations, the U.S. has agreed to the formula whereby - if 2/3 of the voting populace in a province votes down the constitution, it fails.  Of course, rabid Sunnis are making sure to get out their negative vote while suppressing any positive votes in their districts.  The modification in the plan that failed was to count it as 2/3 of those registered to vote...entirely consistent with the wording of the controlling document, and much more likely to reflect the will of all Sunnis.   I hope that I'm wrong, for the failure of this vote on Oct. 15 will greatly magnify everybody's woes.  What's the message here?  It is that "Politics is the Art of the Possible".


MONDAY, October 10, 2005

COLUMBUS DAY, OCT. 10 (12), 2005

This great day in world history, whether celebrated or more recently reviled, is still in the process of being understood...ever since 1492.  And anyone who professes to know the real story is at least ignorant, or stupid (ie. intentionally ignorant).  Some relevant information can be obtained by reviewing the material which has for several years been offered on this web-site, in The Involved Citizen - Miscellaneous section, entitled: "Christopher Columbus and the 'Indians'...Facts and Deductions".   A fine new book on the subject, based upon the latest scientific methodology, has just been published: "1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus", by Charles C. Mann, Alfred A. Knopf, 2005.  I ordered it yesterday.  Today, it is reviewed in the NY Times Book Review section, p21.   Let's all read it and learn something, for a change.


THURSDAY through SUNDAY, October 6 through 9, 2005


MONDAY through WEDNESDAY, October 3 through 5, 2005

Lots of responses this week, as succintly as possible, and with fewer direct references.  But they're out there.


SUNDAY, October 2, 2005

All kinds of topics today.


SATURDAY, October 1, 2005

THE NEW YORK YANKEES.  HURRAY!!!  Forget the money.  Let's talk about a team with heart.  Now win the World Series in order to redeem yourselves fully from last year's debacle.


(Editor's note: Blech!)

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