George A. Sprecace M.D.,
J.D., F.A.C.P. and Allergy Associates of New
about wasting their political influence...and even their moral
Two billion dollars in losses later, the Church still is
bent under the weight of the Clergy Sex Scandals...not because the
Laity does not forgive the stupidity of the Hierarchy, but because the
Hierarchy are totally intimidated and thus immobilized in the discharge
of their duties.
They fail to endorse State Constitution initiatives
declaring a fertilized ovum a human being.
They melt before the arrogance of State legislatures like
Connecticut that pass legislation requiring all hospitals...even
Catholic dispense the Plan B abortifacient to any
requesting patient.
They almost lose their authority in Connecticut to
administer the finances of their own Dioceses.
Then they wonder why they are treated by political
leader, opinion makers and their own laity as irrelevant.
Meanwhile, they deal with issues that have historical
basis but greatly diminished current relevance and no concommitant
claim to infallibility while having very high alienation potential for
their flock and for outside observers: subjects like: 1) insistence on
the "unitive" function of the sexual act, even between committed
married couples (no jurisdiction); 2) equating in the public eye the
prohibition against contraception with the abomination of abortion,
thereby promoting inadvertently abortions during the last four decades;
3) insisting that homosexuality is an inherently abnormal and
sinful "lifestyle" despite growing scientific evidence to the
contrary; 4) fuming against adoption by mature, committed and
loving homosexual partners, with multiple foster homes over years of
instability as the default position; 5) decrying the availability of
extra fertilized ova - the result of in vitro fertilization that has
become standard procedure in this society - for stem cell study with
parental approval, where the alternative is guaranteed destruction of
those unfortunate human beings; 6) decades of continued
undermining of the thrust of Vatican ll while promoting
"clericalization" at the expense of real roles for the Laity, the
"Body of the Church".
It pains me to pursue this
analysis of my Church. But my Faith requires it, working from
within while seeking and awaiting a dialogue with clergy
leaders...who have so far declined to engage in such dialogue.