George A. Sprecace M.D., J.D., F.A.C.P. and Allergy Associates of New London, P.C.


This is the 50th anniversary of the publishing of Pope (Saint) Paul VI's "Humanae Vitae", with declarations contrary to the positions and recommendations of his own Commission on these subjects and contrary to the spirit and direction of then-deceased Pope John XXlll's Vatican ll Council.
It is also the latest year of years of the worst crisis that the Catholic Clergy (not the Laity) has faced, in my opinion, since Martin Luther's actions and their sequelae over centuries.
I have always been a loyal and supportive Roman Catholic and a Christian - more precisely a Judeo-Christian. I have never been a "pray, pay and obey" Catholic. Witness the extensive section on this web site entitled: "What's Right - And Wrong - With The Catholic Church" and the entire "Catholic Church" Category. And I have more to offer.
But first, I recommend that you read several articles now that will place my later statements in context.
1) "Bishop Morlino: 'Homosexual Subculture' Source of Church Crisis", in National Catholic Register" Sept. 2, 2018, p2.
2) "Listening To The Victims Of The Sexual Revolution", by Sue Ellen Browder, in National Catholic Register, Oct. 28, 2018, p7.
3) "Seven Notable Points From Cardinal Ouellet's 'Vigano' Letter" (that first "Testimony" letter published 6 weeks earlier), National Catholic Register Oct. 28, p9.
4) "Testimony lll - Oct. 19, 2018": 'Vigano' blames homosexual clergy for sex abuse and corruption in the Church.'.

Bishop Morlino presents the official position of the Church clearly...until an over-reach in the last sentence: "The Church's teaching is clear that the homosexual inclination is not in itself sinful, but it is intrinsically disordered in a way that renders any man stably afflicted by it unfit to be a priest." My knowledge of the applicable biological science on this subject does not support that diagnosis. And, in my opinion, the "inclination" should not preclude a man who embraces celibacy from the priesthood.

The second reference to the entire excessive and vile "Sexual Revolution" in order to emphasize Church teaching about sex outside of marriage, about all contraception (including non-abortifacient contraception), and about the inseparable "unitive and procreative" function of all sexual acts within the marriage bond is hyperbolic and, in my opinion, unnecessary as well as damaging to the individuals involved and to the integrity of the Church.
As I state only within the context of a married couple and their actions within that bond - as they discharge their responsibilities to the children that they can responsibly support and care for - neither prohibitions regarding non-abortifacient contraception nor non-procreative sexual activity are Necessary to the legal and moral integrity of a Catholic Marriage. Furthermore, as being Damaging to the individuals involved and also to the Integrity of the Church - witness the decline of Faith and of the Faithful in the Church in recent decades, and the massive increase in abortions performed within and without the Church - such "Laws" are, in my opinion, neither legal nor moral.

The Third and Fourth references address the completely documented "Testimonies" of Archbishop Vigano' regarding the many years - long duplicity, illegality and moral bankruptcy of too many in our Clergy - and evidently continuing to the present time and to the present actors. To all of these sinners I say: "Get Thee To A Monastery".

Yes: Sex is at the heart of all of these problems, while being at the heart of God's Love for his human creation and its progeny. What to do?
a) Reconsider and rescind the Clergy prohibition against marriage. Unnecessary and Damaging.
b) Reconsider and rescind the prohibition - within the marriage bond - against non-abortifacient contraception and against non-unitive sexual activity. Unnecessary and Damaging.
c) Reconsider and Correct the biologically erroneous position that "homosexual intrinsically disordered", while carefully screening and monitoring all spiritually inclined candidates for the priesthood, homosexual and otherwise.

Can the Church / the Magisterium change?
See the article: "Revised Wording From The Vatican Is Important Reaffirmation Of A Central Tenet Of Gospel", by Patrick Lee, in National Catholic Register Sept. 2, 2018, p11. There we note a contrary argument by St. Thomas Aquinas regarding the death penalty.

So: Pray, and pray some more.


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