George A. Sprecace M.D., J.D., F.A.C.P. and Allergy Associates of New London, P.C.


Excerp from Rapid Response for WEDNESDAY, May 15, 2013

And here's another addition to my on-going series entitled: "What 's Wrong...and Right...with the Catholic Church", now exceeding 100 articles in the Catholic Church part of the "Abortion, Morality and Ethics" offerings on this web-site.  See "Dolan Warns The Governor On Abortion", WSJ May 15, 2013, pA17.  It's always nice to see the Church stepping  up clearly about the abomination of Abortion...and not diluting that with its stand on Contraception.  But it's not nice to see how the Church continues to coddle persons of power.  It excommunicates Nuns who stray and priests who try to represent their impoverished flock with what is pejoratively termed "Liberation Theology".  But our Church Fathers avert their eyes from an "annulment" of a long and fruitful marriage of Ted Kennedy and his wife, or the many instances of supposedly Catholic political Governor Andrew Cuomo...vigorously supporting abortion.  These people should be given a choice on a matter no less central to their Faith than is the Divinity of Christ: condemn publicly Abortion from the moment of conception...or be excommunicated from the Church.  When is that going to happen, Cardinal Dolan?


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