George A. Sprecace M.D., J.D., F.A.C.P. and Allergy Associates of New London, P.C.
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RAPID RESPONSE (Archives)...Daily Commentary on News of the Day
This is a new section.  It will offer fresh, quick reactions by myself to news and events of the day, day by day, in this rapid-fire world of ours.  Of course, as in military campaigns, a rapid response in one direction may occasionally have to be followed by a "strategic withdrawal" in another direction.  Charge that to "the fog of war", and to the necessary flexibility any mental or military campaign must maintain to be effective.  But the mission will always be the same: common sense, based upon facts and "real politick", supported by a visceral sense of Justice and a commitment to be pro-active.  That's all I promise.

Click here to return to the current Rapid Response list

MONDAY through SUNDAY, June 25 through 30, 2024


And the first round goes to…
Democrats were hoping that Biden could turn this thing around with a “June surprise” at tonight's debate. They stacked everything in his favor to make that happen.
The rules. The moderators. The (total lack of) live audience.
But Trump won hands down.
Mic drop moment? This one comes to mind:
“I wish he was a great president - because I wouldn’t be here right now. I’d be at one of my many places enjoying myself. I wouldn’t be under indictment because I wouldn’t have been his political appointment… I wish he was a great president. I would rather have that. I wouldn't be here –I don’t mind being here – the only reason I’m here is because he’s so bad as a president that I’m going to make America great again. We’re going to make America great again.”
He seemed to be enjoying himself up there. And I have to say… I was enjoying myself, too.
Another zinger:
“I really don’t know what he [Biden] said at the end of that sentence. I don’t think he knows what he said, either."
But what stood out most to me tonight was seeing those two men standing together in front of the cameras – the choice America faces is so much bigger than these two men.
Did you see it, too?
Tonight was about a simple reality:
•    A vote for Joe Biden is a vote to destroy America. 
•    A vote for Trump is a chance to fight back against a political movement that wants to destroy our way of life.
Biden said it himself: “Extreme, MAGA Republicans are a threat to democracy.” He means you and me. He means devout Catholics. He means blue-collar workers. He means pro-life Americans.
Trump crushed it tonight.
And we need to crush it at the ballot box in November.
That’s why we are chasing every ballot, every vote. CatholicVote needs your help to make sure Trump wins.
Not just a debate.
But the White House.

SUNDAY, June 23, 2024


A friend of mine, well - educated and informed - who just had a Stroke (aka "cerebro-vascular accident") can be temporarily excused for expressing a jaundiced view of the world: "Nothing Good Going On". 
But especially if we are not at least Spiritual people - if not actually Religious - He's Right. 
Consider the following, among a vast number of examples: Enough for now...for my friend and for myself.


April 8, 2024 Trump Statement on IVF and Abortion

Under my leadership, the Republican Party will always support the creation of strong, thriving and
healthy American families. We want to make it easier for mothers and families to have babies, not harder.
That includes supporting the availability of fertility treatments like IVF in every state in America. Like
the overwhelming majority of Americans, including the vast majority of Republicans, conservatives,
Christians and pro-life Americans, I strongly support the availability of IVF for couples who are trying to
have a precious baby. What could be more beautiful or better than that.

Today I’m pleased that the Alabama Legislature has acted very quickly and passed legislation that
preserves the availability of IVF in Alabama. They really did a great and fast job. The Republican Party
should always be on the side of the miracle of life and the side of mothers, fathers, their beautiful babies,
and that’s what we are. IVF is an important part of that, and our great Republican Party will always be
with you in your quest for the ultimate joy in life.

Many people have asked me what my position is on abortion and abortion rights, especially since I was
proudly the person responsible for the ending of something that all legal scholars, both sides, wanted and,
in fact, demanded be ended: Roe v. Wade. They wanted it ended. It must be remembered that the
Democrats are the radical ones on this position because they support abortion up to and even beyond the
ninth month. The concept of having an abortion in the later months, and even execution after birth — and
that’s exactly what it is. The baby is born, the baby is executed after birth — is unacceptable, and almost
everyone agrees with that.

My view is now that we have abortion where everybody wanted it from a legal standpoint. The states will
determine by vote or legislation or perhaps both, and whatever they decide must be the law of the land. In
this case, the law of the state. Many states will be different. Many will have a different number of weeks
or some will have more conservative than others, and that’s what they will be. At the end of the day this
is all about the will of the people. You must follow your heart, or in many cases your religion or your
faith. Do what’s right for your family and do what’s right for yourself, do what’s for your children, do
what’s right for our country, and vote. So important to vote. At the end of the day it’s all about will of the
people. That’s where we are right now, and that’s what we want. The will of the people.

I want to thank the six justices — Chief Justice John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Brett
Kavanaugh, Amy Coney Barrett and Neil Gorsuch — incredible people, for having the courage to allow
this long-term, hard-fought battle to finally end. This 50 year battle over Roe v. Wade took it out of the
federal hands and brought it into the hearts, minds and vote of the people in each state. It was really
something. Now it’s up to the states to do the right thing.

Like Ronald Reagan, I am strongly in favor of exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother. You
must follow your heart on this issue, but remember, you must also win elections to restore our culture and
in fact to have our country, which is currently and very sadly a nation in decline. Our nation needs help. It
needs unity, it needs all of us to work closely together. Democrat, Republican, liberal, conservative,
everyone. We have to work together. We have to bring our nation back from the brink, and that’s where it
is. It’s at the brink. And we will. We will do it. I promise you, we will do it.

Always go by your heart, but we must win. We have to win. We are a failing nation, but we can be a
failing nation no longer. We will make our nation great. We will make our nation greater than ever before.
Thank you very much.

My Response to Trump April 8 Statement on IVF and Abortion

On April 8, 2024, former President Donald J. Trump made an important statement on In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and abortion.  Although the media did not really pick up on it, the initial part of the statement (see the full text attached), was devoted exclusively to Trump’s support for IVF.  While Trump’s purported goal to support strong healthy families and "to make it easier for mothers and families to have babies" is laudable, it is an axiom of ethics that the end never justifies the means.  IVF can never be morally justified or permitted, insofar as it involves the destruction of innocent human beings (embryos) and because it denies the natural right of a child to be conceived in the marital embrace of its mother and father. 

Trump did not cite any specific polling data, but if his assertion that the overwhelming majority of Americans supports IVF is true, I would say that the support is largely based on emotion rather than the result of a thorough examination of the complex ethical issues surrounding IVF. Simply put, IVF is not a morally acceptable means of promoting babies and families. (That being said, it is important to note that all children are made in the image and likeness of God, regardless of the circumstances of their conception.)

In his statement, Trump then launched into a “clarification” of his position on abortion.  He took credit for the overturning of Roe vs. Wade, which he said now shifts the issue of abortion entirely to the states and “the will of the people.”  He also expresssed his strong support for the exceptions of “rape, incest and life of the mother.”

I believe Trump accurately described the legal status of abortion today, which is eerily similar to that of slavery immediately prior to the Civil War.  His shift in messaging was clearly an effort to distance himself from the perceived political liability of taking an anti-abortion stance.  However, the current status quo of relegating an immutable human right to the “will of the people” is unsustainable.  It risks tearing the country apart and can only be resolved by recognizing, judicially and/or legislatively, the inherent right to life of every human being as the supreme law of the land.  (We are witnessing exciting developments that give us great hope that the recognition of constitutional personhood will come sooner rather than later.)

Trump’s statement on the “exceptions” could be an acknowledgment of political reality while opposing all abortions.  Or it could be a position that children simply do not have the right to life in cases of rape, incest or life of the mother.  Given Trump’s other comments on the topic, it sounds to me more like the latter.  What it means is that Trump supports the intrinsic evil of abortion in at least some situations.

Despite his purported deference to states’ rights, Trump criticized the abortion law that was upheld by the Arizona Supreme Court this past Tuesday as going too far.  That law is similar to laws in a dozen or so other states.  Trump has shown us very clearly that his policy positions on the right to life issue are driven by politics rather than principle. This is deeply disappointing given his words at the 47th Annual March for Life in 2020, "All of us here today understand an eternal truth: Every child is a precious and sacred gift from God.”

A candidate who compromises on fundamental moral values renders himself unfit for public office.  In the words of Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone, “Every elected official on any level of government, who takes a position in which they fail to recognize and work for the protection of the right to life dishonors the very meaning of their office. Because you can’t be a public servant, if you fail to tell the difference between serving the public and killing the public.”

Yours for life,
Gerald (Gerry) Yeung

Let's start with what I believe. What i know is that the strong majority of voters in this country do Not believe in the above...and that they would vote down the candidacy of anyone who so declared,,,thus eliminating any chance for anyone to enter Government to try to change the status quo.  I myself believe that I lost the State Senate race in 1990 largely for being clear on Abortion,
Mr. Yeung is clear in his frustration with the above state of affairs. But he should give credence to the above state of affairs in this Democracy.
President Trump has no such problem. See his next-to-final paragraph of his own statement. 
If Mr. Yeung seeks more clarity and consistency, he should question the Cardinals of his and our Church. When is Joe Biden going to be Excommunicated?


SATURDAY, June 22, 2024



What Happened in PR Could Easily Happen in the US, TOO

MONDAY through FRIDAY, June 17 through 21, 2024


The Three Values that Make America Great


But it's better to deal with specific issues rather than to live with "free-floating anxiety", especially as we approach the Elections.

SUNDAY, June 16, 2024


Fathers Still Matter

FRIDAY and SATURDAY, June 14 and 15, 2024


Who rules whom?

Hillsdale College has selected you to participate in its National Referendum on the Administrative State.

Responding will only take a few minutes. Your input as an informed patriot is needed right away…because our country is facing a constitutional crisis.

It's a crisis that involves a fundamental political question: who rules whom?

The Constitution established a limited government in which the people ruled through their elected officials. Under this form of government, America became the freest and most prosperous nation in history.

Today, however, our constitutional system is one that increasingly exists in name only.
The Constitution of "We the People" is being replaced by an elite, out-of-touch, and unaccountable administrative state that rules without the consent of American citizens.
This means we live in an era of growing bureaucratic despotism, manifested in an administrative state that bypasses the Constitution, rejects the separation of powers, and replaces the rule of law with regulations.

But we can't just TALK about the problem. We also have to TAKE ACTION—to DO SOMETHING about it, while there's still time to save our country.

That is why I'm writing to you today.

Hillsdale College is committed to returning to the Constitution of "We the People"—before it's too late.

To do that, I need your input. What are your opinions on this topic—knowing that we can propose SOLUTIONS that will restore liberty?

Please let me know your thoughts today by answering the National Referendum on the Administrative State using this secure link:

When you send in your survey, I hope you will also consider supporting Hillsdale College with a tax-deductible gift.

The rise of the administrative state is a grave threat to our country.

To counter this threat, Hillsdale sponsors several educational outreach efforts—including Imprimis, free online courses, programs on our Washington, D.C., campus, and a growing network of classical K-12 schools and homeschoolers—to teach citizens about the meaning of the Constitution and the importance of our founding principles of liberty.

Your support of these efforts is essential because Hillsdale refuses to take ONE PENNY of government funding.

So please complete your National Referendum on the Administrative State and consider giving your most generous tax-deductible contribution.

Thank you for being on the side of the Constitution and liberty!

Warm regards,

Larry P. Arnn
President, Hillsdale College
Pursuing Truth and Defending Liberty Since 1844

P.S. I look forward to receiving your opinions about what's happening in our nation. And I hope that you can support our work.

So please complete the National Referendum on the Administrative State using this secure link:

As soon as you respond, we will begin your FREE lifetime subscription to Imprimis, Hillsdale's digest of liberty that you will receive via email ten times a year. If you'd like, you can also sign up to receive the publication through postal mail.

Educating millions about the Constitution to counter the threat from the administrative state is a monumental task. That's why when you complete your survey, I hope you will also consider supporting Hillsdale College with a tax-deductible gift.

Thank you for your time and attention—and for your commitment to liberty.



Comedians star-struck by ‘bizarre’ meeting with Pope Francis

TUESDAY through THURSDAY, June 3 through 13, 2024


Pat Sajak's Commencement Address

MONDAY, June 3, 2024

Judicial Watch Denounces the Absurd Trump Verdict

Pure corruption. Judicial Watch denounces this absurd guilty verdict and Soviet-style criminal proceeding that has so abused President Trump. What just happened to Trump up in New York is criminal.

The verdict is no surprise considering the rigged, kangaroo court proceedings run by a biased, conflicted judge and an unethical, politicized Democratic Party prosecution team. May 30, 2024, the day the verdict came down, was a terrible day for the rule of law that will go down in infamy. This whole process is compromised, and this verdict should be overturned in an emergency fashion.

The evidence shows that Trump committed no crimes, and this is a prosecution about “nothing.” This and other Democratic Party-political prosecutions of Trump are an abomination under law and are destabilizing to our nation.

Judicial Watch will continue to expose in court the truth about these attacks on the rule of law, free and fair elections, and the U.S. Constitution. In the meantime, our elections have officially been compromised by this politicized prosecution.

We have several Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits related to the prosecutorial abuse targeting Trump.

In March 2024, we filed a Georgia Open Records Act lawsuit against District Attorney Fani Willis and Fulton County, Georgia, for records of any communication Willis and the county had with Special Counsel Jack Smith and the House January 6 Committee. The lawsuit was filed in the Superior Court of Fulton County after Willis and the county denied having any responsive records.

In February 2024, the U.S. Department of Justice asked a federal court to allow the agency to keep secret the names of top staffers working in Special Counsel Jack Smith’s office that is targeting former President Donald Trump and other Americans.

(Before his appointment to investigate and prosecute Trump, Special Counsel Jack Smith was at the center of several controversial issues, the IRS scandal among them. In 2014, a Judicial Watch investigation revealed that top IRS officials had been in communication with Jack Smith’s then-Public Integrity Section about a plan to launch criminal investigations into conservative tax-exempt groups. Read more here.)

In January 2024, we filed a lawsuit against Fulton County, Georgia, for records regarding the hiring of Nathan Wade as a special prosecutor by Willis. Wade was hired to pursue unprecedented criminal investigations and prosecutions against former President Trump and others over the 2020 election disputes.

In October 2023, we sued the DOJ for records and communications between the Office of U.S. Special Counsel Jack Smith and the Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney’s office regarding requests/receipt of federal funding/assistance in the investigation of former President Trump and his 18 codefendants in the Fulton County indictment of August 14, 2023. To date, the DOJ is refusing to confirm or deny the existence of records, claiming that to do so would interfere with enforcement proceedings. Judicial Watch’s litigation challenging this is continuing.

Through the New York Freedom of Information Law, in July 2023, we received the engagement letter showing New York County District Attorney Alvin L. Bragg paid $900 per hour for partners and $500 per hour for associates to the Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher law firm for the purpose of suing Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) in an effort to shut down the House Judiciary Committee’s oversight investigation into Bragg’s unprecedented indictment of Trump.

You can expect that the government abuses targeting Trump will not stop and will only increase – and you can also expect that Judicial Watch will not stop investigating and exposing this dangerous threat to our republican form of government.
Defense Department Records Show U.S. Air Force Hosted ‘Drag Story Time’

Your nation’s military is being ruined by woke ideology.

Judicial Watch received 25 pages of records regarding drag shows, drag story hours and other pride events for military personnel and their dependent minors organized and paid for by the U.S. Air Force.

We obtained the documents through a May 5, 2023, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request submitted with CatholicVote Civic Action to the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). The Defense Department issued at least half a dozen “no records” responses to the FOIA request prior to finally releasing these records. We requested:
All emails and text messages sent to and from the Secretary of Defense, Lloyd J. Austin, III, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, Kathleen Hicks and the members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff regarding drag shows and drag story hours on U.S. military installations …

All Department of Defense documentation, including but not limited to PowerPoints, flyers, handouts, that were or are being used to promote any drag shows and drag story hours on U.S. military installations …

All Department of Defense documentation regarding the funding of drag shows and drag story hours on U.S. military installations …
A June 10, 2021, social media post by the Ramstein & Vogelweh Air Force Libraries advertises:
We’re celebrating PRIDE month with our very first DRAG STORY TIME! Our local Drag King, Sauvage, will be reading some of our favorite stories about what makes each of us special. Story time begins at 1030!

Graphics included with the post include a rainbow flag and two books from which Drag King Sauvage intends to read. The first book is titled “I Am Perfectly Designed” by Karamo Brown. The second book is titled “The HIPS on the DRAG QUEEN Go Swish, Swish, Swish” with a depiction of three males in dresses.

The records also include a graphic for a June 2 “Drag Queen Story Time” event at the Ramstein Library.
An advertisement for an 18 and older event on June 4 called “Drag Karaoke” at “Club E” with “special guest from Monarchy of RoyalTEA” announces prizes for “best dressed” and drink specials.

An advertisement for a seven-week summer reading program re-promotes “Drag Queen Storytime” on June 10 and shows each week given a different color identification for events that include virtual story times, teen socials and scavenger hunts.

The newly obtained records include several additional advertisements for adult events (e.g. Bingo Night, Karaoke Night and D&I Pride Night) at “Club E” and the “Galaxy Club.”

A communication from the marketing department of the 100th Force Support Squadron discusses proofs of brochures, posters and tickets for a “LGBT Obsurvance [sic] Event” to be held at the Galaxy Club on February 25, 2022. The names of all participants in the chain are redacted.
One individual requests:
Can you pretty please with a cherry on top please add, Drag In front of Show? Drag Show: 7:pm, I will need it on the tickets as well. Will I be getting a proof for the 250 pre-sale tickets? Please advise.
Later in the chain, an individual states:
I just had TSg [Redacted] in my office requesting LGBT Observance removed and changed to Drag Show. She claims she spoke to the FSSS [Force Support Squadron] commander. If you like [sic] to confirm with her before changing. I will pick up what is printed. I will not need anymore [sic] printed material except for an electronic with the change so they can print as they wish. I will take the 60 tickets and all printed material. It will work. No more printed material we are fine with what was done.
May 2022 meeting minutes from an international diversity and inclusion group called “Pathfinders” lists an extensive number of upcoming Pride Month and Diversity Day events that will be supported at Ramstein Air Force Base.

A May 2022 email with redacted sender and recipient(s) and subject line “Diversity and Inclusion Events” contains a list of upcoming events:
•          Luau at the Crown – Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month (AAPIHM)
•          Lei Making at the CDC (RAFA & RAFC)
•          Luau at the Stukeley (AAPIHM)
•          Lunch and Learn (AAPIHM)
•          Origami at the Youth Center (RAFA only)
•          Color Run (RAFC)
•          Juneteenth (RAFA & RAFC)
•          Drag Show Bingo (RAFA)
•          Glow Party/Karaoke (RAFA)
•          Diversity Day (All bases) – Strat Calendar
In a May 30, 2022, email with redacted sender and recipient and the subject line “Drag Events” the sender writes:
I have attached our posters, FSS [Force Support Squadron] Calendar, and screen shots of the Facebook events. I’ve also attached a screenshot of the video the drag queen sent us to promote the events. The full video is too big for the NIPR server. The images are too big for the server so I am sending this in 2 emails. Also, I’m sure we also did at least one e-blast but I can’t seem to find it in my email. Let me know if you need anything else.
A June 2022 invoice for $400 covers booking Miss Lexi Andrews, Drag Queen, for an appearance at “Drag Queen Bingo” on June 23 and a performance at a “Glow Party” the following day.

“The Department of Defense has once again proven that radical leftist ideology is more important than military preparedness and protecting Americans from tangible threats at home and abroad,” said Tim Huelskamp, Ph.D., CatholicVote senior advisor. “After an entire year of stonewalling, the DOD finally returned materials from just one command in one branch, which confirmed what we feared – that taxpayer funds were being used to promote drag shows and radical gender ideology on military bases, with full approval from Air Force leadership.”

How on Earth is it appropriate to spend our limited defense dollars on promoting these sexually themed events for children and adults rather than on advancing the military’s mission?

Judicial Watch Sues CIA for Records on Hunter Biden Investigation

Judicial Watch is digging into reports that federal agencies interfered in investigations of Hunter Biden.

In our latest effort, we filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Central Intelligence Agency for all agency records relating to the Department of Justice or Internal Revenue Service investigations of Hunter Biden and all records relating to efforts to interview lawyer Patrick Kevin Morris regarding Hunter Biden (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (No. 1:24-cv-01537)).

Los Angeles-based lawyer Morris is reportedly a friend of Hunter Biden’s, who allegedly loaned the president’s son millions of dollars. Since 2019, Morris has allegedly loaned him approximately $4.9 million for “personal expenses,” including federal taxes.

We sued in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia after the CIA failed to respond to two FOIA requests. The first, dated March 22, 2024, asks the agency for:
All documents and communications referring or relating to the Department of Justice or Internal Revenue Service investigation of Rober Hunter Biden, DPOB: February 4, 1970, Wilmington, DE.

All documents and communications referring or relating to Attorney Patrick Kevin Morris, including but not limited to requests or efforts to interview Mr. Morris concerning Robert Hunter Biden.
The second FOIA request, dated March 27, 2024, asks the CIA for:
All records of communications including, but not limited to, emails and text messages between officials of the CIA and officials of the U.S. Justice Department regarding Hunter Biden and/or Hunter Biden’s lawyer, Kevin Morris.
In March 2024, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan and Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer revealed that a whistleblower disclosed to the committees that the CIA intervened to stop the IRS from interviewing Morris:
Recently, the Committees received information from a whistleblower alleging that the Central Intelligence Agency(CIA) intervened in the investigation of Hunter Biden to prevent the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) investigators from interviewing [Morris]. We therefore write to request relevant material from the CIA.

As part of the impeachment inquiry, the Committees are investigating, among other things, whether President Biden “abuse[d] his power as President to impede, obstruct, or otherwise hinder investigations or the prosecution of Hunter Biden.” As background, for years, the IRS and DOJ had been investigating Hunter Biden for tax crimes. The Committees have documented how the DOJ deviated from its standard processes to afford preferential treatment to Hunter Biden. The Committees learned about the deviations in the spring of 2023 after two brave whistleblowers testified to Congress that DOJ officials deviated “from the normal process that provided preferential treatment, in this case to Hunter Biden . . . .” Among other deviations, DOJ officials restricted what investigative steps the investigators could pursue, tipped off Hunter Biden's attorneys about investigative steps, and even prevented investigators from conducting witness interviews. The whistleblowers’ testimony about the preferential treatment provided to Hunter Biden has been corroborated by testimony from other witnesses and documents the Committees have received.
Hunter Biden faces two separate criminal trials in June. Biden’s trial on gun charges in Delaware is scheduled to begin on June 3. On June 20, his trial on various tax charges begins in California.

It is more than interesting that the CIA is stonewalling our Hunter Biden-related request.

We have several FOIA lawsuits and information requests focused on Biden family corruption.

We sued the FBI for records regarding the gun owned by Hunter Biden that reportedly was thrown in a trash can behind a Delaware grocery store. In a joint status report to the court, the FBI stated it would not produce records about the incident due to an “ongoing criminal investigation.”

In February 2023, from a separate lawsuit, we released records from the United States Secret Service that implicate the FBI in the unusual action to help Hunter Biden.

In response to a February 24, 2021, email inquiry from Politico reporter Ben Schreckinger regarding the Secret Service’s involvement in the investigation of the Hunter Biden gun incident, the Communications Department asks for “more information or documentation.” Schreckinger responds: “Sure thing.

Agents visited StarQuest Shooters & Survival Supply and asked to take possession of the paperwork Hunter had filled out to purchase a gun there. The FBI also had some involvement in the investigation.”

In October 2020, The Blaze reported that in October 2018, Hunter Biden’s handgun was taken by Hallie Biden, the widow of then-presidential nominee Joe Biden’s son Beau. In 2021, Politico reported:
Hallie took Hunter’s gun and threw it in a trash can behind a grocery store, only to return later to find it gone.

Delaware police began investigating, concerned that the trash can was across from a high school and that the missing gun could be used in a crime, according to law enforcement officials and a copy of the police report obtained by POLITICO.

But a curious thing happened at the time: Secret Service agents approached the owner of the store where Hunter bought the gun and asked to take the paperwork involving the sale, according to two people, one of whom has firsthand knowledge of the episode and the other was briefed by a Secret Service agent after the fact.
In June 2023, we sued the CIA for all communications of the spy agency’s Prepublication Classification Review Board (PCRB) regarding an October 19, 2020, email request to review and “clear” a letter signed by 51 former intelligence community officials characterizing the Hunter Biden laptop story as having “all the earmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign.”

In July 2023, we sued the DOJ for records from the Office of the Attorney General and Office of the Deputy Attorney General regarding the Internal Revenue Service investigation of Hunter Biden.

In June 2023, we filed a lawsuit against the Department of Justice for a copy of the FBI FD-1023 form that describes “an alleged criminal scheme involving then-Vice President Biden and a foreign national relating to the exchange of money for policy decisions.” Judicial Watch also asked for communications about the FD-1023.

In May 2023, we filed a FOIA lawsuit against the National Archives for Biden family records and communications regarding travel and finance transactions, as well as communications between the Bidens and several known business associates.

On October 14, 2022, we sued the DOJ for all records in the possession of FBI Supervisory Intelligence Analyst Brian Auten regarding an August 6, 2020, briefing provided to members of the U.S. Senate. Ron Johnson (R-WI) and Chuck Grassley (R-IA) raised concerns that the briefing was intended to undermine the senators’ investigation of Hunter Biden.

We filed a lawsuit against the U.S. State Department on April 20, 2022, for messages sent through the SMART (State Messaging and Archive Retrieval Toolkit) system that mention Hunter Biden.

In December 2020, State Department records obtained through a Judicial Watch FOIA lawsuit showed that former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie “Masha” Yovanovitch had specifically warned in 2017 about corruption allegations against Burisma Holdings.

In October 2020, weh forced the release of State Department records that included a briefing checklist of a February 22, 2019, meeting in Kyiv between then-U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch and Sally Painter, co-founder and chief operating officer of Blue Star Strategies, a Democratic lobbying firm which was hired by Burisma Holdings to combat corruption allegations. At the time of the meeting, Hunter Biden was serving on the board of directors for Burisma Holdings.

Biden Agency Releasing Suspected Terrorists Threatens Military Bases, Infrastructure

The recent incident involving two Jordanian nationals trying to breach the Marine base at Quantico is concerning. And it highlights the national security risk of the Biden administration permitting a border invasion, as our Corruption Chronicles blog reports.
Under the Biden administration the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has a pattern of releasing suspected terrorists at the southwest border resulting in national security risks that include threats to U.S. military installations and critical infrastructure, a congressional committee affirms. Federal lawmakers reveal that since Biden took office the U.S. Border Patrol has encountered at least 351 illegal aliens on the Terrorist Screening Data Set coming into the country between ports of entry. Among them are two Jordanian nationals who recently attempted to breach a military base not far from the nation’s capital. The men drove a truck to the main gate of Marine Corps Base Quantico earlier this month and ignored guards’ orders to stop when they could not provide credentials required to gain access to the facility. The Virginia base is about 35 miles south of Washington, D.C.

Now the House Homeland Security Committee, established nearly two decades ago to ensure that the American people are protected from terrorist attacks, is investigating the matter and demanding action from administration officials charged with safeguarding the nation, including the secretaries of Homeland Security (Alejandro Mayorkas) and Defense (Lloyd Austin) as well as FBI Director Christopher Wray. In a letter to the Biden officials, high-ranking committee members including chairman Mark Green of Tennessee, ask for documents and other pertinent information to aid in their investigation into threats posed by foreign nationals to U.S. military bases and other critical infrastructure. That includes communications such as text messages and electronic mail between DHS, DOD and the FBI related to the May 3 incident at Marine Corps Base Quantico, documents to identify the names and countries of origin of the truck’s occupants and their current alien file. The committee also wants files with all derogatory information in the Terrorist Screening Data Set associated with any individual who attempted to breach the military compound and all files containing notes from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers and prosecutors referring to the individuals involved.

The attempted breach at the Marine Corps base reflects a possibly more dire reality for the state of U.S. national security, the committee members write, adding recent congressional testimony delivered by the FBI director. “As Director Wray stated in a recent Senate hearing, ‘a wide array of very dangerous threats . . . emanate from the border, requiring ‘much greater vigilance’ to protect the country.” The legislators point out that DHS’s relaxed vetting standards, which complement Biden’s avowed desire to surge the border with inadmissible migrants, have created an environment ripe for exploitation by individuals aiming to undermine the United States at its most critical points. “If individuals on the terrorist watchlist are so emboldened to attempt to breach a Marine Corps base, the Department of Homeland Security and the entire executive branch must act swiftly to identify, apprehend, and detain such hostile actors on American soil,” the letter states.

The recent incident in Virginia appears to be part of a broader security issue involving U.S. military bases and foreign intruders. Less than a year ago a mainstream newspaper published an alarming exposé involving Chinese nationals, sometimes posing as tourists, accessing military bases and other sensitive U.S. sites as many as 100 times. In the story U.S. officials, from agencies such as the FBI and DOD, describe the incidents as espionage threats designed to test security practices at U.S. military installations and other federal sites. Examples include Chinese nationals—required to report back to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)—crossing into a U.S. missile range in New Mexico to scuba divers swimming in murky waters near a U.S. government rocket-launch facility in Florida. The same Homeland Security Committee also initiated an investigation into the Chinese breaches after learning about them in the media. In a September 2023 letter to Mayorkas, Wray and Austin, the committee points out that the “persistent and multi-faceted threats posed by the CCP to U.S. homeland security have only intensified under the Biden-Harris administration.”

SUNDAY, June 2, 2024

So wrote Thomas Paine to begin his series entitled "The American Crisis" during the American Revolution. 
So writes Peggy Noon in her most recent column (WSJ June 1-2, 2024, Opinion, p13.).
But this is nothing new. 
Human Nature is the same now as it was in the Garden of Eden, beginning with Adam and Eve, with Cain and Able, with the Ancients of the Middle East, with Rome, with the Dark Ages ...and beyond - right up to present day.
See: "A Distant Mirror: The Calamatous14th Century", by Barbara W. Tuchman.
See: "The Twentieth Century: An Illustrated History Of Our Lives And Times". Lorraine Glennon - Editor.
See Especially: "Modern Times: The World From The Twenties To The Nineties", by Paul Johnson.
Yes, these currently are "times that try men's souls". But "hatred"? I don't think so. "Hatred" is an illness of the Soul, perhaps of the Mind, and also of the stunted Intellect.
Those relatively few who do "hate" are amoral or immoral, may be mentally ill or victims of external toxins, or members of a Pandemic of Stupidity around us - the result of the abject failure of the "teaching profession" turned crass unionism.
See: "The Long View Of Higher Ed's Decline", an interview with Harvey Mansfield (WSJ June 1-2, 2024, Opinion, pA11). 
The hundreds of millions of the rest of us should have an intense dislike for the current state and current leadership of America, and for the current take-over of "Journalism" by the best of Nazi approaches to the manipulation of Truth.
We should decry and fight these actions with everything in our power.
And we should vote for the better Presidential leader, each of whom we have seen in action.
But this is nothing new.

SATURDAY, June 1, 2024

Professor Alan Dershowitz: Always On Point.
But "the fat lady" hasn't sung yet. 

Alan Dershowitz warns of weaponization of US justice system post-Trump conviction

SUNDAY through FRIDAY, May 26 through 31, 2024

Why do it? Because WW lll can begin - and quickly end - in any one of these locations, especially considering the studied inattention currently given by America in an election year.
  1. The Australian subcontinent, part of China's designs on the entire region and on the South China Sea as well as on Taiwan. Don't tell anyone...but the anemic American Navy would lose a conventional conflict in that region.
  2. India is a simmering pot, both internally and with reference to its eternal disposition toward Pakistan.
  3. Pakistan has throughout this 21st century proven itself to be an unreliable partner, especially regarding its support for the Taliban.
  4. Iran: need I say more, especially given the Stupid approach of this Administration to any efforts toward its containment.
  5. Saudi Arabia and other oil producing States: currently friendly, but certainly NO NATO. Always Islamic and thus always potential enemies of Israel and of its supporters. 
  6. Turkey. Very important, strategic...and probably reliable. But Beware.
  7. Russia...or a re-born Soviet Union if Putin has his way. Always a reliable adversary / enemy.
  8. NATO NATIONS. Reliable, so long as we keep supporting them. 
  9. Central and South America. At risk of being lost to Democracy, sooner rather than later...given America's inattention, internal turmoil and external pressures from China. 
  10. Many African Nations, already compromised by the efforts of Russia and China and by the inattention of America.
  11. North Korea: crazy and dangerous.
  12. Japan and South Korea. Always reliable, strategic and effective - with our help.
  a) Rebuild Our Military, along the lines of post-December 7, 1941!
  b) Re-elect Donald Trump President of the United States. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

SUNDAY through SATURDAY, May 19 through 25, 2024

Among increasing groups of citizens who populate our Pandemic of Stupidity 
and who never learned about God or about America, 
Memorial Day is just another anachronism to be defiled or ignored.
But two recent articles clearly describe our charge and our challenge as Americans.
1) "TEACH YOUR CHILDREN TO LOVE AMERICA", by Peggy Noonan (in WSJ May 25- 26, 2024, Opinion, pA15).
2) "AMERICA HITS THE GLOBAL SNOOZE BUTTON", by Walter Russell Mead (in WSJ Outlook, recently)

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