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MONDAY through WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 through OCTOBER 1, 2003
The news is heating up again.
SATURDAY and SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 and 28, 2003
Several recent newspaper articles prompt me to think about the two institutions
in my life that are trumped only by Family: the Roman Catholic
Church, and the Practice of Medicine. My Faith is solid
and secure,and the "rock" of that Faith is the Church. That does
not prevent me from distinguishing between the Church and its sometimes
wrong-headed, illegal and immoral human representatives. Perhaps
this is a reflection of my Italian - American heritage. Italy, with
Ireland the most Catholic of countries, is also notoriously the most anti-clerical.
So, I have no difficulty denouncing actions like those of Cardinal Law
and his ilk, and also "throwing the bums in jail" if necessary.
(Please see my earlier offerings this Spring on the subject, as the sordid
tale was unfolding.) That relates also to the recent stories
about the Magdalene Laundries in Ireland, run shamelessly until
1996 by the "Sisters of Mercy". And yet, I consider a vocation
to the priesthood to be the highest profession to which one can aspire.
And then there is the Profession of Medicine, a close second as
practised by most physicians. I read and hear about physicians
advising their children and others to avoid Medicine as a life's vocation,
a ministry. Wrong! Despite the revolutionary changes that have
taken place in the practice of Medicine, changes that have substantially
reduced the rewards and magnified the challenges, this as a life's
work is a "light that is worth the candle". Family, Faith and
Profession. Now there's a "tri-fecta" for anyone with the intellectual,
physical and moral attributes to bet a lifetime on.
What does the California proposal, endorsed by Cruz Bustamante, to give illegal aliens driver's licenses have in common with America's dispute with the United Nations and other internationalists - here and abroad? And what about the effort to remove from the oath, administered to aliens in the process of becoming naturalized citizens, any reference to their duty to defend their newly adopted country? Well, did you know that there are proposals out there for the United States to eliminate our national boundaries altogether (as reported on National Public Radio today)? So that's the common effort of some here and in the world: to eliminate the U.S.A. as a sovereign nation altogether. How does that grab you? As for myself, I'll paraphrase the statement of Charlton Heston: "Over my cold, dead hand." I believe that most Americans would say the same thing. So, listen carefully to the cacophony of commentary that is beginning to blare at us during this election season approaching the 2004 national elections. You'll be hearing arguments that subtly support the above point of view. You'll know what to do about that on Election Day.
MONDAY through WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 through 24, 2003
It's catch-up time again.
Vacation. "It's a good thing". And no, I don't have a laptop or Wi-Fi setup yet. This is still a small ( but enthusiastic) operation. A vacation provides not only the well-known benefits; if it involves travel, it also affords opportunities to read different print media and to watch different TV. From those opportunities come the following vignettes:
Developments in the Middle East are occurring almost too fast for informed opinion to be articulated; almost, but not quite, especially when we have the insights of a seasoned soldier and diplomat like Secretary of State Colin Powell to inform us. Readers would do well to attend to all his statements, especially those reported in recent days during his trip to Iraq. His Boswell of the moment is George Gedda, AP Writer. Even the New York Times Editorial today got it almost completely right. And then there is Vice Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of Israel who today told Israel Radio: "Arafat can no longer be a factor in what happens here. Expulsion is certainly one of the options, killing is also one of the options." Who let him out? It is past time for this country to start kicking butt, Israeli as well as Palestinian. Not only for their sakes, but as the only way we can start to cool down the antipathy of the Arab world toward the the West in general and the U.S. specifically. President Bush, you can't wait for the 2004 national election results to take action on this, as well as on a major reallignment and/or expansion of our Military. If you wait, you'll lose - and you should lose.
It is time to cut the Gordian Knot! The insanity that passes for relations between Israel and Palestine must be cured from the outside; for the parties themselves are equally afflicted. Please see the letter that I published on September 14, 2001 (on this web site, in the section entitled "The Involved Citizen, September 11, 2001") in response to the events of 9/11. Since then, nothing good has taken place in that part of the world. Hamas and other groups have continued their terrorist acts against Israel despite efforts by the Palestinian leadership (including Arafat?) to begin negotiating a non-violent solution. In fact, these groups may be in no way under the control of any legitimate Palestinian leaders. In that case, a final solution may have to include a civil war among the Palestinians themselves. But neither that nor any positive movement on the part of the Palestinians will take place as long as Ariel Sharon and the theocrats of the Israeli government continue fighting for an Israel of the Bible and continue to allow and promote illegal Jewish settlements...most recently with a new and inflamatory Jerusalem Wall. Nor was it a wise step to add to Arafat's support with the recent vote of the Likud to "remove him". Rational People of Israel take note: "He who seeks equity must do equity". Get the settlers out of all illegal settlements...by force if necessary. Offer the people of Palestine a viable homeland, with no "right of return" for Palestinian refugees. Leave the future of Jerusalem to later negotiations among all the stake-holders, which include more than Israel and Palestine. Then seek political and military guarantees from the U.S. and from the U.N. They will be forthcoming, whatever the Palestinians - and their supporters - do. And I believe that the rational Palestinians will then take the only rational path open to them...by force if necessary. Not a pretty picture...but better than the current insanity on both sides. And it is time for the United States to make all this happen, by political and economic force, if necessary.
So much distortion; so little time to refute it. The spectacle that is the running of the Democratic Presidential hopefuls is producing a torrent of increasingly strident...and sometimes outrageous...accusations regarding President Bush and his conduct of the nation's business. Each candidate seems compelled to outdo the others in the race for the most liberal selection that the liberal - controlled democratic primaries will make. In the process, truth is trampled. One example of this, refuting much of the bad news being reported nightly about Iraq, appears in the recent publication of a survey of Iraqis taken for the American Enterprise magazine and conducted throughout Iraq with Zogby International survey researchers (What Iraqis Really Think, by Karl Zinsmeister, WSJ, Wednesday, September 10, 2003, Opinion, pA24). This should be read in order to balance the distorted picture being presented by much of the media. Meanwhile, let's not forget: this country is at war. American priorities too often based on self-indulgence must change.
MONDAY through WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 through 10, 2003
"Deja vu", all over again. Two media efforts noted this
week have reinforced my strong suspicion that we Americans live in two
colliding universes: ultra-liberals who have learned not a thing
in the last fourty years ("articulate, arrogant, asinine"); and everybody
else. I listened today to a radio interview on National Public Radio with
U.S. Representative and very liberal Democratic Presidential hopeful Dennis
Kucinich. It reminded me of the first - and only time - that
I was foolish enough, as a medical student, to spend three uninturrupted
hours interviewing a schizophrenic patient. What a headache, trying
to follow - with little success - his thought patterns. And then
there was the article by Shelby Steele entitled: Civil Rights
Boulevard (WSJ, Tuesday,
Sept. 9, 2003, Opinion, pA22). In it he addresses the predicted results
of decades of liberal plantation politics. A couple of quotations
will provide the general idea.
"I can no longer hear Jesse Jackson's name without thinking of Norma
Desmond, the great and ruined silent film star in 'Sunset Boulevard'
who, after killing her lover, descends a marble staircase as if for her
next scene when in fact only the police await. Norma is a figure
of chilling pathos because she insists on the past...."
"The great lie of today's black protest, and of the diversity mongers
in our institutions, is that racism still holds blacks back. It does
not. Black and white elites like the racism diagnosis because it
politely - and fruitfully for black elites - assigns responsibility in
a way that does not blame the victim. But blacks are not behind academically
and economically because of racism. We are behind because four centuries
of oppression would leave any group without much knowledge of how to develop
and compete. We have less stored capital of knowledge and habit in
these areas than people realize. Call this culture or a legacy of
oppression or just plain backwardness, but to call it racism is to insist
on the past, and to make all that you say next obsolete."
Again the subjects are Iraq / Terrorism and Globalization. In both areas, and with their implications, President Bush is now vulnerable.
TUESDAY through FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 through 5, 2003
It's catch-up time. Sorry for the delay.
This Labor Day over 6% of Americans in the work force are out of
work. How did this happen? Remember the burst Wall Street
bubble that began several months before George W. Bush took office?
Remember the resulting recession that is just now starting to turn around?
Remember 9/11, with its massive direct and consequential costs, including
Homeland Security? Remember world terrorism and our pre-emptive strike
against Saddam Hussein? Remember NAFTA AND GATT, with that "great
sucking sound" of U.S. jobs going to third world countries where U.S.companies
could maximize profits while directly or indirectly underwriting deplorable
human rights abuses and environmental degradation? Remember the greatly
increased productivity of American labor, armed with the tools of the second
Industrial Revolution, with consequent reduced need for American labor?
Remember an industrial labor force that thought it was their birthright
to continue in the same jobs performed by their fathers and grandfathers...just
because? And remember that more and more of our eligible retirees
are rightly opting to continue working, for their personal and financial
health, during ever increasing life spans?
Well, that's the diagnosis. What's the treatment?
Remember that a price/earnings ratio of 20 is reality, and that a ratio
of 40-70 is dangerous fantasy. Remember that the American economy
does not improve through profligate government spending, but through private
spending and investment - which requires private money in private hands.
Remember that there are thousands of madmen out there who are ready to
kill us in our shopping malls and churches...unless we get to them and
to their supporters first. Remember that America is of, for and by
the People - not of, for and by amoral and unsupervised corporations.
(Please see the offering, under the category Miscellaneous, entitled
- on this web site). And remember that no job, craft or profession
is secure unless the worker updates his or her skills or develops totally
new skills. The world is changing just too fast for anything less.
(I estimate that, on a daily basis as a practising physician, no more than
20% of the skills I am using was learned in Medical School. The rest
has come since then, through continuous education, training and experience.)
So, the real challenge and opportunity for government, corporate world
and private citizen alike is to develop a massive re-education and re-training
program for those members of American labor who will never see their old
jobs come back in this "jobless recovery". This program should be
on the order of the CCC, WPA and similar programs - short of world war
- that got our workers back to work in the 1930's and early 1940's.
Let's get real...and prepare for tomorrow, not yesterday. HAPPY