Arguably the most valuable of the freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution’s Bill of Rights is Freedom of Speech. It is clearly not unfettered: one cannot “cry ‘fire’ in a crowded theater”, or defame another with impunity. And it should not be so broad as to embrace every execrable statement, lyric or visual that falls below minimal societal standards of propriety. But with the knowledge that comes with freedom of speech and information in a democracy, an aggrieved populace can - if necessary - rise up against a government that abridges the other “freedoms”.
However, once again political hypocrites and fascists, most often from
the ultra-liberal range of the spectrum, have taken the field.
The target this time has been the article/advertisement by David Horowitz
entitled, "10
Reasons Why Reparations For Slavery Is A Bad Idea--And Racist Too".
Despite threats and criminal acts taken against some publications nation-wide,
several newspapers including the New London Day are to be commended for
their principled stand on the right of Mr. Horowitz and like-minded citizens
to express a reasoned political opinion. The reader would do well
to review the ad and the related Day editorial which appeared on Friday,
March 23, 2001, for which a link is provided ---> Free
Speech at Brown University.
On a related issue, freedom of speech was alive and well, however unfair and vicious, in perennial attacks on Catholicism. The reader should access “The Catholic League’s 2000 Report on Anti-Catholicism” for a reasoned and legal reply.