George A. Sprecace M.D.,
J.D., F.A.C.P. and Allergy Associates of New
Document Names Pius XII as
Co-Conspirator Against Hitler
Foundation to Publish New Evidence from Germany
NEW YORK, JUNE 22, 2009 ( A foundation that promotes
interreligious dialogue is publishing new documents from Germany that
gives evidence of Pope Pius XII's work against Hitler during World War
Gary Krupp, president of the New York-based Pave the Way Foundation,
affirmed this Sunday in a statement to ZENIT that despite accusations
of being "pro-Hitler," the Pontiff was actively opposing the Nazi
The foundation acknowledged the controversy surrounding the Pope's
actions during Hitler's regime, and asserted that this is a "continued
source of discord between Jews and Catholics."
Thus the organization launched a "thorough investigation to uncover
documentary evidence and record eyewitness testimony" about the real
story of Pius XII.
The president, himself a Jew, stated, "In the furtherance of our
mission we are continuously working hard to locate and post as many
documents possible of the war years in order to clarify the papacy of
Pope Pius XII."
He added, "During a recent mission to Germany, along with our
[foundation's] representative in Germany, Michael Hesemann, we
discovered and posted many new unseen original documents on our Web
site that may change the face of this entire controversy."
This evidence, the statement asserted, "seems to confirm that Pope Pius
XII was an active enemy of Adolph Hitler."
Krupp explained that the Pope was "named as a co-conspirator in the
assassination attempt on Hitler's life of July 20, 1944."
On the foundation's Web site, he added, is posted the image of the
Kaltenbrunner Report to Adolf Hitler dated Nov. 29, 1944 on the
background of the plot.
"The report specifically names Eugenio Pacelli, Pope Pius XII, as being
a party in the attempt," he said.
The president also noted the online posting of the actual affidavit of
Heinrich Himmler's deputy and German commander in Italy, General Karl
He reported: "Wolff testifies that he was ordered by Hitler to plan an
invasion of the Vatican to kidnap Pius XII and seize the Vatican. This
kidnapping plan has been discounted by many historians because of a
lack of documented proof."
7,000 saved
Krupp said that another event that added to the controversy concerns
the deportation of over 1,000 Jews who were taken from Rome and killed
at the Auschwitz concentration camp.
He stated that the foundation posted the "original cable from German
command in Berlin to SS headquarters in Rome, ordering the arrest of
8,000 Roman Jews to be taken, not to Auschwitz, but to the labor camp
of Mauthausen."
Krupp continued: "Only a little over 1,000 were arrested after a
successful papal intervention.
"We have confirmed the personal and direct action of Pope Pius XII to
stop the arrests of the Jews in Rome Oct. 16, 1943. No evidence has yet
turned up about why those arrested were taken to the death camp of
Auschwitz rather than the labor camp."
He speculated, however, that "because of the successful papal
intervention to stop arrests, the order to Mauthausen was countermanded
by persons unknown and over 1,000 Jews were sent to Auschwitz to their
death in retribution."
After the arrests, Krupp noted, Pius XII sent a representative to
appeal for the release of the 1,000 Jews, but "he was refused
The cable suggests the possibility that "the Church believed they could
rescue these 1,000 victims and negotiate their release," he affirmed.
The president reported that the Pontiff "ordered that Jews of Rome were
to be given sanctuary in Church properties and Catholic homes,
suspending cloister rules so that men could be admitted to convents and
women to monasteries throughout Europe."
"He literally hid over 7,000 Jews in one day," Krupp added.
He encouraged people to visit the foundation's Web site, to view the
documents in order to "learn the truth and draw your own conclusions of
the actions of the Holy See during the war."
The foundation acknowledged that there were spies in the Vatican and
German snipers less than 200 yards from the papal windows.
The foundation stated that the lack of public statements by the Pope,
which has been a source of criticism against him, is explained by the
increased punishment in concentration camps, witnessed by former
prisoners, when Church leaders spoke openly against the Nazi regime.
Krupp also discovered a secret plot of the Communist KGB, revealed by
Lieutenant General Ion Mihai Pacepa, to manipulate Vatican documents
and discredit the Holy See in international public opinion.
Krupp said: "I was surprised when I personally researched archived news
stories from the New York Times and the Palestine Post from 1939-1958.
I could not find one negative article about Pius XII."
The foundation undertakes the correction of Pius XII's image in order
to "eliminate an obstacle" to understanding between Jews and Catholics,
"which impacts over one billion people."
Krupp added: "In the interest of Jewish justice we must acknowledge the
efforts of one man during a period when as a people we were abandoned
by the rest of the world."
"It's time," he said, "to recognize Pope Pius XII for what he really
did rather then what he didn't say."
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