George A. Sprecace M.D., J.D., F.A.C.P. and Allergy Associates of New London, P.C.

Point and Counterpoint: Abortion and Alternatives - Article 22, for Sunday, December 31, 2006

It is the end of the year and a good time to reflect on what we have done, where we have been, and to chart a course for the new year.  In 2006 we have reviewed the position of the Church on numerous issues pertaining to respect for life and the basic or core principles on which these positions are founded (abortion, embryonic stem cell research, end of life issues – life support systems, food and hydration, euthanasia, physician assisted suicide, palliative sedation, et al).  In 2007 we plan not only to keep you updated on these issues, but to explore new areas.  The first of these will be to examine the positions of other religions (Islam, Judaism and Protestantism to begin) on these same respect of life issues.  We hope to understand the rationale for their positions and to look for areas of agreement which should facilitate dialogue and ultimately lead to consensus.  We wish you all a very happy New Year filled with the blessings of peace, health, prosperity and good fellowship.

Peter Moore, PhD    George A. Sprecace, M.D., J.D.

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